List Validation

List validation is essential for providing you with a resource that will aid your marketing. RMS checks directly with every organization on any of their lists at least once a year.

Remember, a list with more people on it may not be better than a smaller list. Bigger does not mean better here!!

Each telephone call from RMS to a practice or organization is carefully designed and scripted to ensure that checks give the right information. Checks are on a rotating basis to ensure coverage of the entire population in a predetermined time period. Other inputs include returns from mailings and reports arising from representatives and other field based personnel. 

List Building

RMS has the ability to build client specific confidential lists quickly and easily.  A freshly researched list of your own is a valuable competitive edge in the hands of a sales team or as a direct marketing tool.

If a syndicated list is not available, is creating your own list an alternative?

With experienced validation staff RMS is well placed to help you create a list. Remember that we can contact 1000's organisations a week.  Database creation and population can be carried out quickly to give you the special list you need.

List Brokerage

RMS has extensive experience of obtaining high quality lists from external sources to cover markets outside the UK or populations beyond our own data's scope.  Contact us and we will research what is available for your particular needs.  No single supplier can provide cover everything

Lists and the Law

All lists have to comply with GDPR and the Data Protection legislation.  Business-to-business lists for postal mailing are treated differently to lists that provide emails.  Email data requires specific permissions to be obtained for use.  Business-to-business postal lists may be shared between organisations.  Individual data subjects retain their rights to control use of their data under the Data Protection legislation.